Presentation Preparation

Interactive Session

Interactive Sessions will be scheduled for 50 minutes. The primary focus should be on getting people involved in discussion of ongoing. One (or a few) of the presenters will serve as facilitator(s) and will be responsible for introducing presenters and holding presenters to their allotted time within the session. Presenters will be asked to bring a file for their presentation, either in PowerPoint or PDF format, on a USB. Prior to the start of each paper session, all presenters’ files will be transferred to a prepared laptop. Please contact us in case you require special arrangements (e.g., use your own personal computer with specific software).

Paper Symposia

Symposia will be scheduled for 50 minutes. The chair will be responsible for introducing presenters and holding presenters to their allotted time within the symposium. The role of a discussant is to comment on the papers included in the symposium, drawing on their own expertise. At least 20 minutes should be allowed for discussion with the audience as part of the symposium. Presenters will be asked to bring a file for their presentation, either in PowerPoint or PDF format, on a USB. Prior to the start of the symposium, all presenters’ files will be transferred to a prepared laptop. Please contact us in case you require special arrangements (e.g., use your own personal computer with specific software).

Individual Paper Session

Individual paper sessions will be scheduled for 50 minutes. Each speaker will have 15 minutes for their presentation (including time for questions). At least 5 minutes should be allowed for discussion with the audience as part of each presentation. Please ensure that presenters keep the time allocated to them and complete their presentation within the time limit. Each session will be chaired by a member of the Program Committee. Presenters will be asked to bring a file for their presentation, either in PowerPoint or PDF format, on a USB. Prior to the start of the paper session, all presenters’ files will be transferred to a prepared laptop. Please contact us in case you require special arrangements (e.g., use your own personal computer with specific software).

Poster Session

Posters will be scheduled for 40 minutes (no other sessions at the same time), during which refreshments (e.g., coffee) will be available, to encourage all attendees to visit the poster session and interact with you about your work. Presenters will be asked to bring their own posters to the conference. We will have poster boards available for presenters to use. The poster boards are 145×118.5cm with landscape orientation, so please make your poster at least smaller than that size. Pushpins will be provided.


Please direct questions about presentations to:
Shogo Hihara (Program Committee, Chair) –