Developmental Psychology – Call for Papers for Special Issue on Identity Development

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Call for Papers: Developmental Psychology

“Identity Development Process and Content:

Toward an Integrated and Contextualized Science of Identity”


  • Renee V. Galliher
  • Eric F. Dubow
  • Deborah Rivas-Drake

Submission and Review Deadlines

  • April 18, 2016 (abstracts must be submitted to receive preliminary feedback for manuscripts to be considered for review)
  • June 15, 2016 (potential authors notified whether their full paper would be considered for review)
  • September 1, 2016 submission deadline
  • December 1, 2016 1st round decision letters
  • February 26, 2017 revisions due
  • April 2017 final decisions


Developmental Psychology invites manuscripts for a special issue on identity development that seeks to synthesize across models of identity development within historical and cultural contexts.

We are currently in a period of heightened theoretical and methodological growth in research on identity development. Whereas the study of identity development was once dominated by Marcia’s identity status model, there are now multiple models that are receiving widespread attention and raising new questions about identity. The purpose of this special issue is to bring these different perspectives together and chart a path forward. Three broad goals are outlined for this special issue.

  1. Identify key developmental mechanisms that are both common and unique across identity development theoretical perspectives. We seek to address the questions: why, when, and how does identity develop?
  2. Develop a model of identity content that integrates existing approaches. There is currently no model or taxonomy for understanding identity content, which has been a barrier to advancing research on the topic.
  3. Map connections between aspects of identity and areas of psychological functioning. Because identity processes and content are multidimensional, each aspect of identity will be differentially linked to positive and negative outcomes. For example, exploration may be associated with increased anxiety, whereas commitment may be associated with heightened self-esteem. In terms of content, occupational choice may be related to life satisfaction. Beginning to outline how aspects of identity are related to psychological functioning will allow for recommendations to tailor interventions and social policies so as to be maximally effective.

Within each of these broad topic areas, we solicit both theoretical and empirical articles that highlight cultural and methodological issues, or attempt to integrate multiple perspectives on identity development. We especially encourage submissions from regions outside the United States. Development in multiple domains of identity (e.g., ethnic, gender, sexual, religious) is relevant for this special issue.

Submission Details

Abstracts (250-500 words) must be submitted by April 18, 2016 to receive preliminary feedback on suitability.

Potential authors will be notified by June 15, 2016 whether a full paper would be considered for review.

Manuscript must be submitted by September 1, 2016

All submitted papers will undergo the journal’s regular peer review process. All papers will be initially screened by the editors, and papers that fit well with the theme of this special issue will be sent out for blind peer review. An invitation to submit a full paper is thus not a guarantee of acceptance.

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with APA publication guidelines as described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) and submitted through the journal’s submission portal. Please note in your cover letter that you are submitting for the special issue on identity development. Please review the guidelines in the Manuscript Submission section on the journal’s homepage for information about how to prepare an article.

Inquiries regarding topic or scope for the special issue or for other manuscripts can be sent to Renee Galliher (


2015 Conference Archive

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ISRI meets annually—as a preconference special interest group in conjunction with SRA’s biennial meeting; and a two-day stand-alone meeting. This year, the stand-alone meeting took place in Bellingham, WA on May 14-17th at the Best Western and Lakeway Inn.

The conference was organized by SRIF President, Steve Berman (University of Central Florida), and SRIF program committee chair, Elizabeth Morgan (Springfield College). Jane Kroger (Western Washington University) made the arrangements for the annual banquet. There were 46 people in attendance. In addition to the U.S. and Canada, scholars were from Japan, Israel, Switzerland, Finland, Trinidad & Tobago, Sweden, and the Netherlands. SRIF highly values the international scope of its membership and many SRIF members have benefitted through establishing productive cross-cultural collaborations. Indeed, the 2017 stand alone SRIF conference is proposed to take place in the Netherlands.

It is the SRIF tradition to begin each meeting with a roundtable introduction (moderated this year by SRIF President Steve Berman) in which all attendees have the opportunity to introduce themselves and summarize their identity-linked research interests. This is a beneficial exercise for faculty and students members to learn of the range of research possibilities in the field of identity and to be updated on one another’s research activities. Many collaborative projects have sprung from this roundtable session. The roundtable is also useful for students to identify possible mentors for their graduate studies, to meet scholars in the field whose works they are reading, and to networks for Postdoctoral or other employment opportunities. SRIF highly values students’ contributions to the organization and attempts to provide many opportunities for student development at the conferences. This year there was both a professional development session and mentor fair for students and new professors. Over the years we have watched students mature in their professional development and grow into scholars who, in turn, mentor new student members.

The invited program at the SRIF conference this year offered diverse considerations of identity. Lene Jensen Arnett (Clark University) gave the Keynote Address titled, “Cultural-Developmental Theory for the 21st Century: Self and Social Science in a Global World”. Saskia Kunnen and Mandy van der Gaag (both from the University of Groningen, Netherlands) provided a methodology session titled, “A Process Approach to Identity Development.” Steve Berman (University of Central Florida), outgoing President of SRIF, gave a Presidential Address titled, “The Identity Development of SRIF: Who are we? Where are we going? And what do we want to be?.”

Paper topics spanned a broad range of research relevant to the interests of identity researchers including international and cultural perspectives, identity horizons and the identity capital model, sexuality and stigmatized identities, parent-child relationships, and adoptive identity. An exciting symposium used international research from Finland, Sweden, Japan, and Trinidad to examine identity development in adulthood. An engaging interactive session also explored interventions for identity distress using Erikson’s psychosocial theory as a framework. The conference also included a poster session where 17 posters were presented by both faculty and students from a range of academic institutions.

The Doctoral Student Research Award was presented to Lakshmi Priya Rajendran (The University of Sheffield, UK). The Undergraduate Student Research Award was presented to Jessy Gruler (University of Central Florida). Yesel Yoon (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) was awarded the James Marcia student travel award.

Concluding the conference was the annual banquet, which was held at Anthony’s Hearthfire Grill, where we had a delicious dinner and stimulating conversation. We hope to see everyone back (and a few new people) at our next annual meeting in conjunction with the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), in Baltimore, MD on March 31 through April 2, 2016!